Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blogie Mcblogerton….

Ok, its been awhile, I haven’t really updated much of anything so here we go. Kevin finished basketball and now he is doing Cub Scouts, Owen will be one this week !!!! OMG!!! He is standing and even took a few steps the other day, however it looks as though he may be sick again and he had a fever last night.
I went up to Cold wars in Lancaster this weekend and have been applying some of the “Painting lore” I have learned in the Tuesday night painting workshop at DOKs, my guys are deffently less Craptastic…still Craptatic but allot better then before. Cold Wars itself was so so, but one thing that did impress me was the group that made use of small, magnificently detailed boards to run some pulp and pirate games, very impressive.
I have been trying to snatch up some uniforms that will fit me and other re-enacting gear to replace the stuff that won’t fit to well anymore, but Im going to hold off on anymore, I have my pike armor and helmet still on order in the UK but that’s all I have outstanding for now.
I am down to 200 ( was about 195 before the weekend) so I may try to go down to 185 just to say I am no longer officially overweight according to the BMI indicator, I know there will be bounce back, but I hope to stay below 200.
Kathy has been planning Owens birthday ( not a big one) and we have Easter coming up so things will be busy.
Guess that’s it for now.

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