Tuesday, October 02, 2007


Well…Today Kevin had to wear his new School uniform, Grey pants, Maroon school shirt and black, laced shoes…He doesn’t know how to tie them yet and if I can remember right, I had a issue learning to tie Shoes. He has managed to scrape his knee or bang up his legs near about everyday this week.

Now Owen….has had Croup which turned into a Lower respiratory infection which has now become a Ear infection and he had his shots yesterday. It hasn’t seemed to dampened the little guys spirits at all. Last night he pass out around 6:00 which is early for him, and we knew the night was going to be tough…but the little guy woke up at 12:00 I fedd him, he tossed and turned for a few minutes then slept till morning.

Kevin has Soccer tonight, but no game on Saturday.

1 comment:

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